Our History

1992: Eradication of Child Labour

1993: Early Childhood Care and Education

Early Childhood Care and Education

1995: Vocational and prevocational Program

Vocational and prevocational Program

2000: Launched Prajayatna to improve public education and now this has become independent entity covering 25,000 Schools 1,500 Anganwadis 12 lakh children

2001: MAYA Organic-Training the women artisans in the lacware sector

2014: Labournet – formalize the informal service sector

Women Entrepreneurship in Health space

2019: 2 companies registered to support the artisans and handicraft cluster of Channapatna

ArtisanPride Producer Company Ltd (APPCL) – a producer company of lacware artisans that will be responsible for the manufacture and supply of lacware handicraft products. 

Fairkraft Creations Pvt Ltd which will be responsible for Design, Product Development and Marketing. 

Independent entities of MAYA past programs